Terms & Conditions


The room rate is meant per night, per room and includes sales tax, a full breakfast from our buffet, TV, parking, as well as services. Please note: The city of Cologne has implemented an additional tax from 1. October 2010. An additional 5% of the room price (excluding breakfast) will be charged per room, per night and the amount paid directly to the city of Cologne.

We have included the required document for business travelers. If we receive the completed document from you before or upon arrival at the hotel, you will not be required to pay the additional tax.

For further information: https://www.stadt-koeln.de/artikel/06845/index.html

We accept cash, as well as credit cards (Visa, Amex, Mastercard).

The deadline for cancellations is three days for individual cancellations, 14 days for group cancellations and during exhibition or trade show times, 21 days prior to arrival. In this case, only written cancellations via email (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.) or fax (0049-2234-946-0058) are accepted. The hotel reserves the right to charge late cancellations or no-shows at 100% of the room rate.
Signed / stamped confirmation of your booking is required.

Should you plan on arriving later than 06:00pm, please inform the hotel prior to your arrival. Directions to our hotel can be found under www.hotel-keuchhof.de. Check-in is possible from 03:00pm onwards. Please be checked-out by 11:00am.


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